Monday 2 February 2009

A police inspector is on his way here - to ask some -questions...

Did you know "An Inspector calls" has been the winner of 19 major awards?

The Birling family are spending a happy evening celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling to Gerald Croft - a marriage that will result in the merging of two successful local businesses. Yet, just when everything seems to be going so well, they receive a surprise visit from an Inspector Goole who is investigating the suicide of a young girl.
The questions he asks everyone relating to the case reveal that they all have secrets linking them to the tragedy.

I hope you have enjoyed the reading of "An Inspector Calls" by J.B. Priestly. Since we've been dealing with this play in the classroom I've decided to include here some extra information (links), videos, context, etc just to bear in mind, as Inspector Goole says that "We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other....Good night"

P.S. Currently the play is being performed in Madrid, (Spanish version), but if you are travelling to England you will be able to see the play on tour (English version). Don't dare miss it.

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